Layout & Composition
As you work through the modules in this class and experiment with the design challenges, one of the constants you will notice in all your graphics is the need for thoughtful consideration of your layout and design. In the last module, we looked at Canva templates. You are welcome to use those for the entire class, but as you learn more about design, you will find that you want to customize and change the template designs to meet your requirements. At this point, a solid understanding of layout and composition becomes important.
Layout and composition are foundational to any design that you create. This week's design video below talks about some key elements you will encounter when studying layout and composition. They are:
- Proximity
- White space
- Alignment
- Contrast
- Hierarchy
- Repetition
Whether conscious of it or not, you've probably thought about many of these before. However, you might not have associated a specific term with it, so while I am sure you will find many familiar ideas in this video, there will also be some new learning. Feel free to watch it as many times as you like to help process this learning.